Business is undergoing rapid shifts…
The world is changing faster than brands are.
• Old paradigms
• Multi-generational workforce
• Leadership
• Millennial mindshare
• Outdated organizational models
• Communication & teamwork
• Branding & marketing
The fact is: The world is evolving more rapidly than business can keep up with.
And there’s one foundational common denominator driving our next evolution.
‘Brands who aren’t doing enough to turn the ship around are in danger of becoming irrelevant and obsolete’

We take pride in representing our community of 2,000,000 strong and growing.
Our work doesn’t just stop at research, data and providing one of the most growth-focused programs for SMBs…
We foster business growth for all businesses in our community and host one of the industry’s most exclusive events each year to honor and award top companies for their efforts in diversity & inclusion.
TOGETHER WE ARE is OMNIKAL’s signature initiative.
This timely program is focused on helping companies rebrand “diversity” and make the shift into leading the way through inclusion.

The Inclusive Majority Market is Young and Diverse

It takes leading at the organizational level first; Follow Nike’s Lead

1) Your employees become a more inspired, energized workforce, rooted in newly-energized, unifying American values, led by a leadership employer, built on significant, enduring, meaningful values
2) Your suppliers are part of a newly-growing business community, building sustainable wealth with bigger opportunities, as your brand increases its positive influence
3) Your brand evolves to serve, inspire and capture the $4T Inclusive Majority Market, telling a cross-cultural, multi-generational brand story with a powerful, ripple effect through leadership, employees, suppliers and customers
4) This solves the complex problem of integrating a powerful new brand essence throughout internal culture, marketing, supplier and community channels.
5) It creates a fresh, new innovative foundation that sets up new, multi-media brand messaging to be developed for social awareness, marketing and advertising effectiveness that leads directly into sustained, future growth with the Inclusive Majority.
Your company is an
authentic mirror of your world.
Your company is deeply connected to, and attracts the consumers and communities that are your inclusive market.
The result is financial, ethical, social, cultural success.
Authenticity is critical.